OnGlobal Ventures

We help international companies discover, validate and grow new global ventures.

What we do:

We provide venture building as a service. That means we are contracted to develop a new business for a client. This can become a stand-alone startup or new business unit within a company.

We do this using our "Innovation as a Science ©" process, consisting of:
- Problem discovery
- Business model validation
- Pilot MVP launch
- Global go-to-market sales

How we do it:

Problem Discovery

We use a proven process for uncovering new products and services by examining the existing alternatives the customer uses.The secret is to search for and find the struggle. We do this using problem discovery interviews augmented by AI analysis.These processes are sector agnostic, allowing us to move between countries, industries (steel or software) and markets (B2B B2C marketplaces).

Business Model Validation

The next step is to design and validate a business model. We strongly believe that the business model is the product.This includes:
- defining who will buy (Ideal Customer),
- how to reach them (Channels),
- what to say (Unique Value Proposition)
- how to win (Unfair Advantage).
Intrinsic in this is demand modelling. This sets out the financial forecast (traction) needed to reach your minimum success criteria.

Pilot (MVP) Launch

This stage is about launching a pilot product with real, paying customers. We start small (10 is enough to learn) and give ourselves permission to scale, later.At the same time, we’re also validating the business model by tracking acquisition, activation, revenue (conversion) and referrals.Unlike other venture builders, we can become your go-to-market sales team. Taking you from "0 to n" customers, while implementing the systems that will allow you to scale — profitably.

Global Go To Market

Once you have a proven business model, we help you build what is required to capture the opportunity.Companies are not born global, but most have international aspirations. We can take you from inspiration to an international-ready plan.This includes:
- self-guiding country selection using data.
- identifying potential market failure points.
- internationalization and localization guidance.
- global go-to-market sales.

Project Portfolio

3624 hours of venture-building experience.
83 sprints completed. 34 business models evaluated.
4 Pilot MVPs developed. 2 new businesses launched.


Global Trade & Supply Chains

- A network of customs and trade advisors.
- An investment and partner network for CEOs
- A local distributor marketplace

Selected industries and business models:

Global Talent Marketplaces

- An split-fee recruiting marketplace
- A network of local country recruiter agencies
- A network of contingency-based recruiters


Internationalization and Localization

- A software internationalization suite of tools
- A seminar series for localization professionals
- AI-based software internationalization

Who "we" are:

OnGlobal Ventures is the venture-building brand of Jerry Everett.I'm an entrepreneur, executive, engineer and OnGlobal's lead venture builder.I've worked for a large multinational telecommunications company, built and sold a million-dollar startup, failed to start a few more and finally pivoted from loving my ideas to loving problems.I'd be delighted to tell you about that transformation, what "Innovation as a Science©" means or why I think I'm one of the few international venture builders. Please get in touch.

Contact OnGlobal

Ask a question. Make contact.
Send a compliment or a critique using the contact form or the links above my photo.

OnGlobal Ventures © is a brand, within the company Sojourner Assay B.V., containing the associated projects, business models, sprints and other assets relating to the problems of international expansion and global trade.

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While you're waiting, you might want to read some of the case studies, articles and opinions found on our blog. The link is below...

What is a Venturer Builder?
Venture Building appears to be caught in a sea of undefined meanings. At best broadly defined, at worst, utterly misappropriated.
Let’s try and capture the essence of what is a venture builder. How it is different from other entities like accelerators, incubators and startup studios. As with any articulation, we admit to being biased.Venture Builders operate on a fee-for-service basis.
This eliminates any accelerator, incubator, or startup studio that takes equity. If you take equity you’re engaged in risk sharing. A Venture Builder’s primary compensation is not risk-based. There is an exchange of expertise in return for a defined compensation. That is not to say that they can’t be compensated with equity, but that is not their main method of making money. They may do this, and reduce their fees, to get access to a future upside. But true venture builders do not take on risk-based compensation.
This leads to the second distinctive:There may not be a path toward investor funding.
That is not the same thing as a path to profitability or growth. It simply means that a venture builder is not bound by a metric like finding a 100 million-dollar business with a 10X return on investment. Venture Builders may be engaged in starting smaller, self-sustaining businesses. In our experience, sometimes small enough to keep one person self-employed or a ‘lifestyle’ business.
That does not mean that Venture Capitalists are not involved with venture builders. Several have set up Venture Building Studios that take pre-validated problems and hire people to build ventures. These employees fit our definition of a venture builder. (But usually with a desired outcome of $100M company.) It simply means that a Venture Builder is not always attached to these organizations.They are unconstrained - by company structure, industry (steel or software), market (business or consumer) or geographic location (country or city)This distinctive, along with the fee for service, eliminates everyone employed in corporate innovation. Innovators will look for opportunities that complement some aspect of their company’s (or corporate client’s) existing structure. At a minimum, they will stay within that company's industry. Disagree? Imagine you’re in a corporate innovation group at a bank presenting a hypergrowth opportunity for an online marketplace for dog walkers. It’s simply not done.In summary, Venture Builders:
- Take on no risk
- Are not tied to an investor
- Are unconstrained by company or industry
They are paid to operate in an environment of risk and uncertainity to try and find and then build a business.